Cyber Extortion: Blackmail in Your Inbox
They Know Who You Are Some time ago, a few identical emails from fictional individuals landed in my spam inbox. I normally do not pay much attention to spam, but…
Technology and Mental Health
They Know Who You Are Some time ago, a few identical emails from fictional individuals landed in my spam inbox. I normally do not pay much attention to spam, but…
Do you notice that our traumatic news cycle seems to suggest the world is coming to an end? Sometimes the possibility seems uncomfortably close - I was supposed to go…
After a long pandemic screen time binge, schools have reopened. Why do some kids refuse to go back? Because they'd rather stay on their screens. I know, it’s politically incorrect…
“Never get in between a drug addict and their drug”. When parents attempt to take devices away from kids, what might follow is an extreme emotional meltdown - the dreaded…
Social media kills young people. It is responsible for teen suicide epidemic. The shocking truth is that we knew about this since the 18th century. Every time there is another…
Artificial Intelligence is getting smarter. While a human brain stays the same. Not a fair fight. AI and Human Weaknesses To influence someone, you have to find their weaknesses: this…
Screen Time Moderation It's an unfortunate fact of life that most of the stress that teens experience today originates from their many digital activities. Social comparison, cyberbullying, anxiety, depression, and…
Digital Addiction and Stress Young people are stressed living with digital media 24/7, it makes them overwhelmed and in some cases drives them crazy straight into psychiatric diagnoses of anxiety…